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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


All signs are pointing toward Cleveland assistant John Kuester being the next Pistons coach. Avery Johnson and Joe Dumars couldn't come to an agreement over the last couple of days, mainly because Johnson wanted more money and security than Dumars was willing to give.
Kuester is heading to town to close the deal but Dumars told me just moments ago "there's nothing to announce."
Kuester is the third coach Dumars has pursued. He wanted Doug Collins, then moved on to Johnson when Collins pulled out of the running. Kuester has never been a head coach but he's a longtime assistant, including a 2004 stint in Detroit under Larry Brown. He'll come a lot cheaper than DC or AJ but how will the players respond to him? That's the great unknown.
 Johnson was quoted on ESPN: "I was only interested in it if we could agree on a vision for the team going forward." I don't believe that for a minute. If Dumars had thrown enough money and/or seasons at him, he would have readily signed the dotted line.


Blogger Detroit Sports Dork said...

Can't disagree with your little cuff at Johnson, but one wonders why Joe ever thought he could get him on the cheap since he had $4 a year for two years, already. From a public relations viewpoint, Joe could not have handled this whole deal more clumsily. The ticket sales staff must be beside themselves since Joe's new position is that since we aren't championship contenders another NBA assistant will do. Weird.

July 7, 2009 at 4:13 PM 

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